Saturday, January 28, 2012


Welcome to our new blog.   The idea for starting this began with a conversation between Don Woodworth, his sister Ruth Woodworth Criger and his son Bayard Woodworth.   Expect lots of wonderful content.   For now, we will leave you with a photo of Leoine Daisy Hale Woodworth Goodale.

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping this offers a way for the family of Donald Merwin Woodworth and Leoine Daisy Hale to communicate thoughts, share memories, and ask questions, as well as to get to know each other better. Thanks, Bayard and Don, for getting us started.

    One of my happiest memories is of walking with Mom from our home on Union Avenue down to Lakeport Square to buy groceries. She would hold my hand as I walked across the tops of stone walls built along the avenue. The shopkeepers all knew her and exchanged greetings with her as we shopped. She never drove a car, but walking to the square, the library, and across the Lakeport footbridge with her seemed like great adventures. Life in a small town was good.
